On March 4, 2020, the Church Educational System Commissioner sent the following letter as guidance and clarification on the following Honor Code principle: Live a chaste and virtuous life, including abstaining from any sexual relations outside a marriage between a man and a woman.
Can members of our campus community who identify as LGBTQ or SSA be disciplined for going on a date, holding hands and kissing?
Elder Johnson in his letter counsels, "Same sex romantic behavior cannot lead to eternal marriage and is therefore not compatible with the principles included in the Honor Code." Therefore, any same sex romantic behavior is in violation of the principles of the Honor Code.
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Does the university expect students to report fellow LGBTQ or SSA students to the Office of Honor for romantic behavior?
One of the Honor Code principles states: "Encourage others in their commitments to comply with the Honor Code." Encourage is not synonymous with "turn someone in." Encourage is an action that means to give support, confidence or hope to someone. We are all members of the BYUH community—thousands of people coming together to develop faith, intellect and character, and we should always reach out in love and support to those around us.
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How does the Office of Honor work with ecclesiastical leaders on this matter?
The Office of Honor does not work with student's ecclesiastical leaders, nor does it weigh in on endorsement decisions made by ecclesiastical leaders.
Members of the BYUH community seeking additional understanding regarding the implications of this guidance should reach out to the Office of Honor at (808) 675-3493 or email officeofhonor@byuh.edu.
Members of the BYUH community seeking resources or support in abiding by this aspect of the Honor Code are invited to reach out to the dean of students at (808) 675-4586 or email deanofstudents@byuh.edu.