Frequently Asked Questions About Endorsements Skip to main content

Frequently Asked Questions About Endorsements

What is the purpose of the ecclesiastical endorsement?

The purpose of the ecclesiastical endorsement is to certify whether or not the students have maintained and will continue to maintain their commitment to the Honor Code. If members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, they should have done their duty in the Church, attended meetings, and lived the rules and standards of the Church and will continue to do so.

How do I complete or renew my endorsement?

The continuing students must login to and complete the endorsement request before meeting with their bishop for an interview. After the interview, bishops complete the endorsement process.

I just got my endorsement. Why do I need a new one?

All continuing students attending BYU–Hawaii renew their ecclesiastical endorsements during the winter semester each year to be eligible to enroll in classes for the following spring, fall, and winter semesters.

I am not a Latter-day Saint. Do I need an endorsement?

Yes. You may meet with the leader of your congregation, or the bishop of the ward where you live, or the BYU–Hawaii university chaplain.

Do I need an ecclesiastical endorsement during an internship?


I am not a full-time student. Do I need an endorsement?


I am a continuing student. Who can do my endorsement? Can my home ward bishop do it?

Students should meet with the bishop of the ward they are assigned to attend based on where they live during the winter semester. If they have been attending the ward for less than six months, the bishop should contact their previous bishop to confer about your eligibility for a new ecclesiastical endorsement. An ecclesiastical endorsement submitted by the bishop of their homeward will not be accepted.

What if my bishop does not endorse me?

Students will be ineligible to register for and attend classes until they receive their ecclesiastical endorsement.

I decided not to return to BYU–Hawaii before I left school but I have now changed my mind. What should I do?

As part of reapplying for admission, the student must login to and complete the endorsement request as a new/returning student before meeting with their bishop for an interview.

Does my stake president have to do my endorsement?

No. Continuing students are only to be endorsed by their bishops.

My bishop cannot see my name in his endorsement queue. What should I do?

Contact the Office of Honor at (808) 675-3531 or

I tried to register but was informed there is an Honor Code hold on my student account. What should I do?

Contact the Office of Honor at (808) 675-3531 or